Bibliya - Müqəddəs Kitab, Azərbaycan dilində (PDF) - Xristianlığın Mündəricatı
Bibliya - Müqəddəs Kitab, Azərbaycan Dilində PDF
Are you looking for a way to read the Bibliya, the holy book of Christianity and Judaism, in your own language? Do you want to learn more about the history and meaning of this ancient and sacred text? If so, you have come to the right place. In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about the Bibliya in Azerbaijani language. We will explain what the Bibliya is, how it was translated into Azerbaijani, how you can access and read it online, and why you should read it. By the end of this article, we hope that you will be inspired and motivated to download or read the Bibliya online and discover its life-changing power.
What is the Bibliya?
The word "Bibliya" comes from the Greek word "biblia", which means "books". The Bibliya is a collection of books that contain the writings of prophets, apostles, historians, poets, and other inspired authors. The Bibliya is divided into two main parts: Əhdi-Ətiq (Old Testament) and Əhdi-Cədid (New Testament). The Əhdi-Ətiq contains 39 books that tell the story of God's relationship with his chosen people, Israel, from creation to exile. The Əhdi-Cədid contains 27 books that tell the story of Jesus Christ, God's Son, who came to save humanity from sin and death, and his followers, who spread his message to all nations. The books of the Bibliya are written in different genres, such as law, history, poetry, wisdom, prophecy, gospel, epistle, and apocalypse. The books of the Bibliya are also arranged in different orders depending on the tradition or denomination. Here is a table that shows the names and order of the books in each part:
bibliya azərbaycan dilində pdf
Yaradılış KitabıMatta Müjdəsi
Exodo KitabıMark Müjdəsi
Levililər KitabıLuka Müjdəsi
Numeros KitabıYəhya Müjdəsi
Qanunun TəkrarıHəvarilərin İşləri
Yeşuanın KitabıRomalılara məktub Rutun Kitabı1 Korinfliyə məktub
Samuelin 1-ci Kitabı2 Korinfliyə məktub
Samuelin 2-ci KitabıQalatiyalıya məktub
Mələklərin 1-ci KitabıEfesliyə məktub
Mələklərin 2-ci KitabıFilippiliyə məktub
Əyyubun KitabıKolossiyə məktub
Zəburlar Kitabı1 Sessalonikliyə məktub
Süleymanın Misalları2 Sessalonikliyə məktub
Vaizun Kitabı1 Timofeyə məktub
Süleymanın Məhəbbət Mahnısı2 Timofeyə məktub
İsayenin PeyğambarlığıTitusya məktub
Yeremyanın PeyğambarlığıFilimonla münasibətində məktub
Ağlamaqarışlar Kitabıİbranilərə məktub
Yexezkelin PeyğambarlığıYaqubun Müraciyyatı
Daniyelin PeyğambarlığıPetrusun 1-ci Müraciyyatı
Hoseanın PeyğambarlığıPetrusun 2-ci Müraciyyatı
Yoelin PeyğambarlığıYuhannanın 1-ci Müraciyyatı
Amosun PeyğambarlığıYuhannanın 2-ci Müraciyyatı
Ovadiyanın PeyğambarlığıYuhannanın 3-cü Müraciyyatı
Yonanın PeyğambarlığıCüdünün Müraciyyatı
Mixeanın PeyğambarlığıVahiy Kitabı (Apokalips)
How was the Bibliya translated into Azerbaijani?
The first translation of the Bibliya into Azerbaijani was done by Mirzə Fərrux and Feliks Zaremban, two missionaries from the Russian Bible Society, in 1842. They translated the New Testament from Greek and published it in Tiflis (now Tbilisi, Georgia). The Old Testament was translated later by other missionaries and published in parts until 1891. The complete Bibliya in Azerbaijani was printed in London in 1893. This translation used the Arabic script and was based on the Eastern dialect of Azerbaijani.
In the 20th century, several new translations of the Bibliya were made in Azerbaijani, using different scripts and dialects. Some of these translations were done by individual scholars or churches, while others were done by organizations such as the Institute for Bible Translation, Wycliffe Bible Translators, and the Bible Society in Azerbaijan. The Bible Society in Azerbaijan was officially registered in 2016, after a 20-year fight, and has been producing and distributing the Bibliya in various formats and languages.
The translation of the Bibliya into Azerbaijani has faced many challenges and difficulties, such as political oppression, religious persecution, linguistic diversity, cultural sensitivity, and limited resources. However, it has also achieved many successes and blessings, such as reaching millions of his miracles, his death, and his resurrection. She felt a strong attraction and conviction in her heart. She decided to follow Jesus and become a Christian. She contacted the website and asked for help. They connected her with a local church and a mentor who helped her grow in her faith. She also shared the Bibliya with her family and friends, and some of them also became Christians. Nigar's life was completely changed by reading the Bibliya. She found peace, joy, and love in Jesus Christ.
In conclusion, the Bibliya is a wonderful book that you should read and cherish. The Bibliya is the holy book of Christianity and Judaism, divided into two parts: Əhdi-Ətiq (Old Testament) and Əhdi-Cədid (New Testament). The Bibliya was translated into Azerbaijani by various missionaries and organizations, overcoming many challenges and difficulties. The Bibliya can be accessed and read online through various websites and apps, such as,, and The Bibliya is relevant and important for today's world, as it reveals God's love and plan for humanity, and teaches us how to live wisely, love deeply, and serve faithfully. The Bibliya can also change your life, as it did for Nigar, who found Jesus Christ by reading the New Testament.
We hope that this article has helped you learn more about the Bibliya in Azerbaijani language. We encourage you to download or read the Bibliya online and discover its life-changing power for yourself. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us or leave a feedback below. Thank you for reading and God bless you.
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Q: Where can I get a printed copy of the Bibliya in Azerbaijani language?
A: You can order a printed copy of the Bibliya in Azerbaijani language from the Bible Society in Azerbaijan or from other online sources. You can also visit a local church or a Christian bookstore and ask for a copy.
Q: How can I learn more about the Bibliya and its interpretation?
A: You can learn more about the Bibliya and its interpretation by joining a Bible study group, attending a church service, listening to a sermon, reading a commentary, or consulting a dictionary or an encyclopedia.
Q: How can I share the Bibliya with others?
A: You can share the Bibliya with others by giving them a copy of the Bibliya or a tract, inviting them to read or listen to the B